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Dolphin Place Open Space


Native Puget Sound Bushes come in many sizes and forms.  They bring color to the forest.  Although our forests do not contain much of the riot of the iridescent hues of the tropics, they contain a quiet pleasure suitable to the cool PNW Spring. 


Our bushes can be found in their native state within 70 miles o f Dolphin Place.  In fact, most of them were at the site in 1973 or were found within the confines of Olympic Point. Over ninety percent are native to Bainbridge Island.


Small Trees

  • Indian Plum

  • Beaked Hazelnut



  • Red Huckleberry

  • Evergreen Huckleberry

  • Red Elderberry

  • Blue Elderberry

  • Blueberry

  • Salmonberry




  • Evergreens

  • Deciduous

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