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1- Douglas Fir is the tallest tree in Puget Sound, growing to over 300 feet tall and ten feet in diameter.

Douglas Fir

People have created across the United States lists of the largest individual tree of many species as well as typical size of each in a mature  forest.   They call the largest tree a CHAMPION TREE, for bragging rights.

Douglas Fir

pseudotsuga menziesii

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Douglas Fir

Typical dimensions of a large tree of this species in a mature forest:




Champion tree for this species:




300 ft

8 feet

500 years


12 ft

1400 years

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The Douglas Firs at Dolphin Place Open Space have gained between six to twelve inches in girth in the fifty years of our existence.

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This photo is a picture of a Douglas Fir and Western Red Cedar with their roots intertwined as they grew from a common nurse stump (a douglas fir cut in the 1880's in the initial logging). Allen and Janet Philips were married at this tree in 1979.

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This tree species was growing at the Dolphin Place location when the property was purchased in 1973.


Exact data was not collected at the time.  The following is data recorded in 2020.

Largest tree for this species within Dolphin Place Open Space:



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120 ft topped

4 1/2 feet

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