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Dolphin Place Open Space




Naturally Occurring at Dolphin Place 

Click to view original Conifers


  • Douglas Fir

  • Western Red Cedar

  • Western Hemlock

  • Grand Fir

  • Western White Pine

  • Pacific Yew



Introduced Conifers

Click to view Introduced Conifer Trees


Naturally Occurring

within five miles on

Bainbridge Island 


  • Shore Pine

  • Sitka Spruce



Naturally Occurring within

seventy miles of Dolphin Place


  • Nobel Fir

  • Alaska Cedar

  • Engelmann Spruce

  • Rocky Mountain Juniper

  • Mountain Hemlock

  • Whitebark Pine

  • SubAlpine Fir

  • Western Larch

  • Ponderosa Pine

  • Silver Fir















































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